Herbal formulations have been shown in several studies and case reports to significantly reduce inflammation, as well as inhibit arthritis in a similar mechanism to synthetic counterparts (e.g. dexamethasone) – however, with no significant side effects. There is widespread use of such formulations both in developed and developing nations.
As a result, herbal formulations can be used to prevent or treat chronic inflammation and arthritis. Improvement in pain, inflammation, joint mobility and function was sustained as late as 3 months after treatment. 1,2,3
Several studies show antioxidant levels and reactive oxygen intermediates, or “Free radicals”, to be significantly reduced with the use of Herbal formulas. Improvements in antioxidant enzyme activity, serum iron and hemoglobin concentration, etc. indicate natural improvements to circulation and blood flow to the affected areas.4
Our PHF research has shown significant improvements in muscle and joint pain, with the use of our roll-on Muscle Pain Relieving Roll-On: